Administrative Responsibility
Since May 2015, the SPL company has decided to adopt a Model to regulate the administrative liability of legal entities, companies and associations, including those without legal personality (ex art. 6 and 7 of Legislative Decree 231/2001) .
The preparation of this Model was preceded by a series of preparatory activities divided into different phases and all having as their objective the construction of a risk prevention and management system, in line with the provisions of the Decree and taking into account the Safety Guidelines. Confindustria.
For any type of report regarding our ethical behavior you can consult the whistleblowing document.
Safety and Training,
Only way forward to be an innovative company.
The management of health and safety at work, commonly also called safety at work, concerns the set of preventive and protective measures to be adopted to best manage the health, safety and well-being of workers, so as to avoid or minimize possible exposure of workers to the risks associated with work, reducing or eliminating accidents and occupational diseases.
For the reasons above, we at SPL Group have always had the issue of safety at heart, which is why over the years we have and are adopting multiple solutions, below we list some of them:
a) Management of all the use and maintenance manuals of our machinery, this has allowed us to create a timetable with all the checks and checks to be carried out in advance, always having an efficient machinery from a production and safety point of view.
b) We have created an archive with the sheets of the chemical products we use.
c) We have inserted safety and traffic signs both inside our plant and in the company’s external yards.
d) Next to each machine we have hung operating instructions relating to safe use and also delivered by hand to each individual operator.
e) We have created external cubicles (with reinforced concrete base and REI anti-flammable walls), where we store all potentially flammable material such as oils, chemicals or gas cylinders. Furthermore, the fuel tank was moved outside.
f) We have created a water system to put out any fires and created two emergency exits in the scrap collection tunnel under the presses.
g) New external forklift charging area created, avoiding the inhalation of harmful fumes and condensation.
h) The line of No. 6 robotic presses, as well as the No. 7 press and the No. 10 press, have been closed off by a special fence, as have all the milling machines in the mold construction department, avoiding the injury of operators who may inadvertently find themselves within the working range of the machines.
i) We are periodically carrying out the “state-region agreement” training course for new employees, according to the scheduled programme.
l) Photocells have been installed on all the main machinery (presses, welding islands and milling machines), so the machine does not start if it senses the presence of the operator.
m) Periodic training is carried out for all staff regarding safety and related verification tests.
n) We have finally adhered to the behavioral codes inherent to the 45001, 231 and the historic 626 certifications.
o) The company has started a process of repaving with resin over the entire company surface, distinguishing the work areas, forklift passage areas and related pedestrian areas with various colours.
p) The company has regularized itself by having its employees complete all the courses required by law as seen in the panoramic photos.